Fellowship / Fellows

Katilla Pierre

  • 2024–2025
  • Social Sciences
  • Robert G. James Scholar Fellow
  • Independent Scholar (Haiti)
Portrait of Katilla Pierre
Photo By Aonson Lucien Pierre

Katilla Pierre is an epidemiologist working as head of alert and response at the Directorate of Epidemiology Laboratories and Research of Haiti's Ministry of Public Health and Population. She has worked in this position for more than 10 years, with a focus on the emergence or reemergence of such infectious diseases as cholera, COVID-19, etc. Her work also covers the management of health emergencies. She has extensive experience in HIV disease management.

At Radcliffe, Pierre is working on the various data available to decipher and understand the risk factors for and find ways to control the emergence of infectious diseases in Haiti, given the country’s ongoing sociopolitical crisis. This work will result in a publication.

Pierre has a master’s degree in public health with an epidemiology subspecialty and plans to continue her studies in epidemiology. She was honored in 2022 by the government of the Republic of Haiti for her work in the fight against cholera and in 2021 for her work in the fight against COVID-19. Pierre participates as a technical expert in the Global Task Force on Cholera Control in the development and revision of standards and procedures for cholera epidemiology (surveillance and laboratory), in line with the global roadmap for the elimination of cholera by 2030. She recently published “Epidemiology and Risk Factors Related to Severity of Clinical Manifestations of COVID-19 in Outpatients: A Retrospective Study in Haiti” in the journal PLOS ONE.

Our 2024–2025 Fellows

01 / 09

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