Untitled Wind Project and Untitled Water Project

Fellow: Theo Anthony

Subjects: Film/ visual arts

“Untitled Wind Project” is an upcoming narrative feature film about the town of Batavia, IL, that begins to experience a mysterious hum.

“Untitled Water Project” is an upcoming feature documentary about Chicago's sewer system, situating the climate challenges it faces within a deeper narrative of a landscape that is constantly evolving through cycles of growth, disturbance, and adaptation.

These two films, though very different in form and scope, are deeply entangled projects that share many settings, characters, and research materials. I'm looking for a research partner who can assist me with navigating archives, parsing primary documents, and researching/reaching out to potential documentary subjects and shooting locations. I'm looking for collaborators who are curious, independent, and interested in the creative process. Ideally, they're organized and proficient with internet archival research. Students who are interested in film will benefit from participating in various projects at all stages of production—from development through editing.