Unsexed: Sex and Gender in the Living World

Fellow: Lixing Sun

Subjects: Life sciences/ science communication

Two most divisive topics in society today are sex and gender. A general deficit in the knowledge of the underlying science is at the root of much of the disagreement. The lack of accessible books with new research developments worsens this predicament. To fill this glaring gap, I will be writing a science book about sex and gender for the general audience. Specifically, I will synthesize existing data on three key facets of sex: origin, development, and evolution. The book is expected to accomplish two goals. Academically, it will pursue an inclusive definition and explanation of sex and gender from the evolutionary standpoint. Socially, it will be intended to catalyze the transcendence of our political discourse from an ideological argument to one based on scientific facts.

My student research partners will acquire invaluable experience in navigating, analyzing, and synthesizing cutting-edge scientific information. They will also engage in literary exploration, critically evaluating the significance of historical and contemporary events, key figures, and theories within the realms of science and society. Together, we will experiment with innovative rhetorical strategies to enhance the impact of scientific communication.