Sonic Cyberfeminisms: A Feminist-Futurist Opera Employing Soft Robotics

Fellow: Patricia Alessandrini

Subjects: Music/ opera/ critical theory/ feminism/ robotics (STEAM)

Drawing upon cyberfeminist and technofeminist theory, as well as recent developments in sonic cyberfeminisms, this project explores feminist perspectives on present and future technologies through the development of a multimedia performance in an imagined interplanetary setting, created in collaboration with author Alexandra Kleeman and sopranos Marisol Montalvo and Donatienne Michel-Dansac. The question at the core of this “duodrama” is how present and future technologies may be (re-)conceptualised through distributed, non-hierarchical feminist frameworks, and how these frameworks may be useful in grappling with the social and ethical problems associated with these technologies.

This is an inherently interdisciplinary project, intersecting between artistic practice, critical theory, and technology, offering the possibility to develop research skills and acquire knowledge in several STEAM areas as well as to gain familiarity with practice-based research methodologies. The RRP will have the opportunity to inflect their contributions to the research project according to their own specialisms and interests, and to gain familiarity with a range of STEAM projects. Tasks for this partnership may include locating sources, creating summaries and reference lists, compiling resources and documentation, and researching technical aspects.

RRP candidates should be open to interdisciplinary research and have an interest in feminist theory and/or perspectives on technology.