Pedagogies of Voice: Re-imagining the Role of Languages in Education for a World on the Move

April, 2022

Paola Uccelli, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Veronica Boix Mansilla
, Harvard Graduate School of Education

The proposed workshop will generate an interdisciplinary pedagogical framework and research agenda to guide how to leverage all students’ linguistic and cultural resources to maximize their learning potential and contribute to more equitable and inclusive communities. Deliberately interdisciplinary, this workshop will merge insights across four research areas that are rarely put in dialogue with one another: (1) migration and socio-emotional development; (2) multilingualism and literacy development; (3) global competence and intercultural development; and (4) arts and aesthetic development. We will bring together:

  • developmental and educational researchers with expertise across these areas,
  • educators who are the architects of well-recognized pedagogies designed for and with multilingual learners yet implemented in English-dominant classrooms representative of the majority of US schools, and
  • education administrators with proven records of transformative leadership.

This workshop grows out of the Re-imagining Migration seminar “Mapping Human Migration: Setting the Educational Agenda,” supported by the Spencer Foundation and held at Harvard University in April 2019. One key recommendation that emerged from this broad-reach seminar (topics ranged from population genetics to refugees and human rights) was the urgent need for a novel interdisciplinary-informed and socio-culturally inclusive framework to guide how language can be conceptualized and used in education today. Radcliffe’s support will propel a novel pedagogical framework and researcher-practitioner partnerships without which the ultimate goal of preparing a future collaborative interdisciplinary research proposal would be very hard to achieve. The workshop offers the optimal springboard to move forward this pioneering interdisciplinary initiative at the intersection of education, social justice, and law.