News & Ideas

For the Love of Food

Piece of paper hanging by clotheline pin, with an illustration of a carrot and reading "one of my favorite food memories is.. growing it."
Photo by Tony Rinaldo

On a Radcliffe Day crowded with memorable moments, a simple clothesline proved a crowd-pleaser of unique power.

ON A RADCLIFFE DAY CROWDED WITH memorable moments—including a rousing finale led by this year’s Radcliffe Medalist, Dolores Huerta—a simple clothesline proved a crowd-pleaser of unique power. Running through the Marketplace of Ideas, in the sunken garden, the line displayed visitors’ inspired (and multilingual) responses to our request that they write on a notecard a favorite food memory. We heard stories of pork, salmon, eggs, tomatoes, and sweets—lots of sweets—but also of childhood, the comforts of home, love and loss, and the deep rewards of emotional nourishment. In the end, the scene came to resemble that of a good meal shared with friends and family—the conversation over too soon but likely to endure as a new favorite memory.

News & Ideas